Well what an ending to a gianormous weekend!! Ben and I rocked up to McMaster central around 2.30pm to meet and great the lovely Maggie, Matt, Emma, Mark and of course Aaron. As per usual the girls seemed to instincitvly wear the same thing...little shorts this time!!
We had a few drinks a bit of a chat and a laugh, and made our final preperations to head out for a night of good times and partying.
So we arrived at the Deen only to find that there was a gianormous line that went around 2 corners, and of course I needed to go to the loo! Oh the torture!! But Maggie was ever so helpful by reminding me of the impending burtsting of my little bladder at regular 5 minute intervals! Thanks love!!
So we finally got in and made our way into the Deen to watch Breakaholics (Fdel and Micha), after a while it was totally packed in there to the point of it being scary. I had to use the loo again and on my way out of the Deen to the loos at the enterance I was sandwiched between 2 guys and lifted off my feet, people were just pushing so much that I was being moved along and my feet weren't even touching the ground. When I finally got back to where the crew was it was even more insane, so Maggie, Aaron and I forced our way out into the street where we stayed for the rest of the evening. Even though we missed seeing most of the acts we really wanted to see, the main thing was that the company was so good it didn't matter.
Michael finally arrived at about 7.30 which was wicked. Seeing both he and I had already had such gianormous weekends I was half expecting him to not turn up, but he did so Yay!! As expected everyone got on really well with him, and we all had some great chats and laughs together.
Found Keziah and the kids later in the evening and had a bit of a dance and chat with her. She invited us along to the after party at her friend Mark's place in Subi. So we all went back there and hung out in the really nice chilled out atmosphere for what must have been about 5 hours just chatting and hanging out.
After that we went on to Matt and Maggie's again for more friendly banter and lots of just hanging out. I also had the most blissful shower, and stole Matts Canada trackies, which I'm still wearing comfy!
So all in all a wicked night had by all. I'm really looking forward to seeing the pics taken. From memory there were some really good shots, but who knows!!
Best night out I've had in a long time - what a way to kick off my holidays! Hope you've had a lovely relaxing Tuesday :)
Ok, well Aarons photos are funny...but none too flattering of any of us.
Sorry guys, it's all about capturing the times and memories though isn't it :) There are plenty of photos of me I hate, but it's still good times. Hopefully the photos more remind you of how wicked a moment it was :)
Was a good day/s because of the people.
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