Days of old
I've always been a diary keeper. One I have from when I was a 'tweenager' which is full of silliness and angst. I used to started my diary entries with 'Dear Beth', it was my way of getting started like it was a letter to a friend. Others I have from my life in Broome and my travels abroad. Today they almost seem like the only proof that I ever did those things.
This morning I have pulled a few of them down to have a look at. I always like to see what I was doing this time of year all those moons ago. It fascinates me just how different a person I am now to then.
I used to get very lonely in Kuri Bay. Being away from my friends in Broome for 2 weeks straight used to almost kill me. My solice was in my diaries and I would write in them religiously every day. I always wrote as if I was just emptying the contents of my head. Almost like I was writing a letter to myself about what I was thinking. Now a days as I write in a public blog I really write for others more than myself.
Here is what I wrote this day in 2002....
'Sitting under my favourite mango tree. Beer in one had, pen in the other. Last day of breakfast for a while for me, so I'm enjoying my last free afternoon for a while. I'm listening to my Diana Krall CD I bought last time I was in town. How jazz makes me smile as soon as I hear it. It changes my mood completely.
The breeze is coming from inland and carries with it the heady strong scents of native jasmine, frangipani and the musty earthy smells of the bush.
I was thinking about Christmas and what to get my parents. I have a few things put aside for Mum. But Dad is hard to buy for. Music is a safe bet, but he has too much already. I've always wanted Rhyll to do some photos for me, so pictures of Jane and I would be really nice, especially since we have both moved out of home now and Mum and Dad are on their own.
There are 3 HUGE moths flying about the mango trees at the moment. I've never seen anything so big in my life!
So time for a cold shower to cool me down, some TV and then an early night I think. Well I best go sort out food for tomorrow.'
I remember that mago tree, it was HUGE and I had a hamock chair in it. It was my little daily slice of heaven to sit there it it's shade and watch the boats come and go frm the bay. Despite the wild beauty of that place, I'm glad to be living back in Perth.

I wrote a bit (diary... that's for girls :P) for about 12 months at the beginning of my 'change'. I've taken a gander at it in the past and it reminded me of how easily you can forget bad stuff in your life. It's definitely a part of memory lane I'm glad to forget.
One thing that always surprises me though is how writing can help you think better.
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