Stuff goin on

So a few things have been happening of late, one I've been offered a different job at my work. I can't say too much on here because it's not official yet, but it will make me a lot happier and give me some great new skills.
The second thing is we've set a date for our wedding. So the 27th Novmeber is going to be the date we finally get hitched! We've hired the Royal Fresh Water Bay Yacht Club in Mosman Park for the reception which is just beautiful. The room we want to use is upstairs and has a huge outdoor wooden deck that over looks the river.
After much pouring through magazines and websites I think I've decided on a colour theme as well, Tony seems to be ok with it, so that's a releif. I found it's suprisingly difficult to make a colour choices, but I got a lot of inspiration from the Martha Stewart web site which I just love! She has so many clever simple ideas. Lots fo cute haloween ideas too.
So today I am home sick from work, I had no sleep last night after a bout of REALLY full on allergies. I woke up feeling exhausted, snotty, itchy and just generally awful. So I called work and said I am staying home today till I feel better. I feel a lot better now that I've had some sleep, and a shower, but I'm trying very hard not to scatch my face.
We've just ordered a Jamie Durie Gazebo today s well, seeing I am home, they can deliver it today to us today. I hope we get lots of use out of it, it's nice and big so I think we will, plus it will give the doggie one more place to shelter in the rain and from the sun.
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