Monday, September 27, 2010

And everything changes

Yesterday (27 Sept) I found out that I'm pregnant. I roll the word around in my mind a bit and it still seems all so unreal. I don't feel very different, I certainly don't look any different (yet), I just have a little white plastic stick with two pink lines that tell me I am.

It has taken longer than I would have expected to get to this point, and so now that it is here I'm not entirely sure what to think. Excitement of course, a little bit of fear, and mostly disbelief. For a while I wondered if I had all the stuff in the right places for this to happen? Maybe I was born with my fallopian tubes up near my arm pits, and my uterus just didn't exist? Well that obviously isn't the case now is it?

So you get this little test that tells you you'll be a Mummy in 40 weeks or so, but you are also aware that not all pregnancies go to term and result in a healthy baby. In fact 20-25% of pregnancies miscarry. That's basically 1 in 4 of my friends. I know my Mum miscarried before she had me, so the threat is certainly real. This leaves you in the predicament of wanting to be really excited and to make plans, but not wanting to let yourself get carried away just in case.

Today I have felt little twinges, and tiny cramps. From what I read this is most likely due to the embryo implanting itself into the uterine wall. At this stage our baby is the size of a poppy seed.

Everyone seems to have different names for their unborn child, and so after discussing the fact it's so small right now, it's basically an amoeba, we've started using the pet name 'Moebe. The last two nights both myself and my tummy have had goodnight kisses from Tony, which is quite funny.

So tomorrow I will be making my first obgyn appointment. We have to decide do we want to go private and finally use the private health insurance that has been costing us a fortune the last 4 years (but still has some out of pocket expenses), or do we go public the whole way and pay nothing. I think I like the idea of private, plus Mordoch SJOG hospital is 5 minutes from our house, so that would be very convenient. But if cost is prohibitive, I'll just try and get into Kaleya like Janey did, she was really happy with her treatment there.

There are about a million and one things flying around my head, and I must try and just take one step at a time. Exciting time ahead.