I tend to amass cardigans, and I have a confession to make. I give them all names! It's strange I know but it's something I have done since I was a child, and I can't seem to stop myself! Tonight I am wearing a black cardigan with ladybug buttons, it's name is Beryl (named after my Nana). I have a philosophy that cardigans need old people names, so I have one called Mavis, one called Doris, I have a very daggy 70's style brown argyle mens cardi in nothing but the finest man made fibres called Dudley (named after my now deceased great uncle). All seems right with the world when things have special names.
On a similar note I always name my cars. My first car was a little white Diahatsu Charade, it's name was Bob. But not the naisal American 'Baaab', but the snooty clipped English version 'Bob!'. After that I owned with my partner at the time a big old noisy smelly Nissan Patrol. We bought it to drive up to Broome in, it had all this cool camping stuff in the back including a tap! The coolest part was he converted it to run on recycled vegetable oil, so if you drove behind us it would smell like fish and chips. I called that one Big Kev, cause we were pretty 'excited' when we bought it! That car, like his name sake has since passed away...bless! After that it was a very old Holden Astra, I named it Murial, I have no idea why, it just seemed to suit. And most currently is my gorgeous Honda Jazz. His name is Norbert, or Norby to his friends. My Dad had a cool idea (he has a honda jazz too), that we should both name our cars after the famous jazz duo Ella (Fitzgerald) and Louis (Armstrong), but alas, mine already had a name.
I also love naming people, I don't really care about the fact that their mothers have already given them a perfectly servicable name, I'm going to give them a new nickname anyway. My sister's nickname seems to constantly evolve over time. Originally it was Janey-pooh (I think adding pooh to anyones name is a good start), then it was just Pooh, then Pooderoo, and in it's current form it's Poodey. My flat mates have been dubbed Button and Peanut, for no particular reason other than it's kinda cutesy, and I was hoping they'd hate the names. But as Peanut informs me it doesn't bother him in the least, I think secretly he likes it! I'll have to try harder to find something to annoy him other than putting fat chicks on his desktop.
Call him a vegetarian!
I'm thinking about removing his bedroom door, and using it as fire wood. I think that would tick him off, but I'm open to suggestions.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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