
Today I was going through some old photos and found some of myself about 2 years ago when I was living in Broome. I tell ya, you wouldn't think it was the same person!
I know I've lost weight, but you tend to forget just how much until you see old pictures of yourself. I think I used to have a featureless face,not to mention a fat ass!
The running is helping me so much, I'm actually almost looking forward to shopping for bathers this year! It used to be an exercise that would reduce me to hot self loathing tears, but not this year!! Oh no, although I am not perfect and never will be I have made peace with my body and am determined to stand proud clad in lycra, and go swimming without imagining every last person is staring at me think to themselves 'what is that?'.
Women of the world I say we should be proud of our bodies, not to mention the rest of who we are (mind and spirit too!). Take a leaf from the average blokes book and stop caring what everyone else thinks. I'd say more people are worried about what YOU think of them that the other way around.
LOVE the cartoon - it sums up so well! And you go, girlfriend. I don't think I've ever met a female who's happy with her body, even if everyone else thinks she should be. Here's to the words 'proud' and 'Lycra' being placed into the same sentence more often!
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