10 years!

Last Saturday I went to my 10 year highschool reunion. The Day started with a tour of the school which looks nothing like it used to! Over the last few years Iona has build all kinds of new buildings. It was very basic when I was there, but it now has a state of the art sports centre. So it has a gym with all the equiptment, and courts made out of that special rubberised stuff so that the poor dears don't hurt themselves. All the science labs had been demolished and rebuilt along with when used to be the old original church. That's very sad I think to have demolished such a quaint old building. So Iona used to be the 'poor cousin' to schools like St Hildas, PLC, MLC, but from the looks of things it's up there with the best of them now.
It funny seeing faces that you haven't seen in 10 years. They looks so familiar, and yet so very different. It takes you a good while to put names to faces. So many of the girls are married and have kids. One girl Emma, she had 4 kids already!! geez! But what I found interesting is that all the married ones meet their husbands not long after leaving highschool. That really seems to be the only way people get married in this day and age. They meet young, don't have much experience of other people, and so therefore seem happy to settle down. Now I know that isn't always the case, but most of the young married people I know that is certainly the case.
I really hate that whole 'so what do you do?' question. It's like the answer needs to represent who you are and what you've been doing for the last 10 years, except that it really doesn't. I started out by saying I work for an insurance company and study naturopathy. But by the end of the evening I was telling people I run my own mobile massage business (well I do sort of), as well as the other stuff. I found there were a lot more interesting conversations coming from that. So I got a bunch of phone numbers and promises of 'I'll call you and book a massage'. I'm not holding my breath, but we'll see.
Sunday was a lovely quiet day. I went up the street to babysit little Saskia. I've babysat her a few times now, and still can't believe what a good kid she is! She doesn't cry, doesn't whinge, nothing! She's just so content to go with the flow it's fabulous!! So I got to her house where I fed her lunch, then put her to bed (too easy). After that I had their lovely old quiet house all to myself to do some study. I sat outside with the seabreeze floating by me and the sun tickling my toes which stuck out from my little shady spot.
Then late that arvo I decided to take my new bike for a proper test run. So I rode to my Mum's place in Munster. It was a really nice ride there. My legs felt like jelly though when I got off the bike. The ride home in the dark was a tad precarious though. I almost rode straight into a bollard which scared the crap out of me. Also some of the darker bike paths were hard to keep track of.
So all in all a lovely weekend!
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