I feel amazing!
I went to the chiropractor for my first adjustment yesterday. Prior to that she did an assessment of my spine and sent me off for some X-rays. Looking at the X-rays you could see how majorly not right my back is. I have 2 scoliosis, the curve in my neck is going to wrong way (mega bad), and my coccyx sticks out way too much. Also you could very markedly see spinal deterioration. Even to my untrained eye the severe subluxations were very obvious.
So after much talk she did the adjustment, and sent me on my merry way. It was so weird as I stepped out of her office onto the street I felt totally elated, a big stupid smile crossed my face and I felt totally on top of the world. The next sensation was that of being able to breath. It was like for the last few years I'd been doing it wrong, or there was some kind of blockage that prevented me from breathing deeply. Even now as I take a deep breath it is deeper, more satisfying, more cleansing and just generally makes me feel mega super dooper turbo fantabulous!
I'll be going quite regularly for a few weeks, and I am looking forward to getting my spine into permanent good alignment and health. Due to the frequency and cost of these procedures it has also prompted me to finally get some private health insurance. I've set us up with NIB which looks pretty good to me. The interesting part I found was that to have private care for birth and pregnancy you have to have had the cover for 2 years! So considering it might just be 2 years (who knows?) I thought now is a good time to join with that specific cover.