Food glorious food
I have been a chef in a former life, and know how to cater for mass amounts of people. In fact I used to work on a pearl farm where I cooked for 50 people breakfast, lunch and dinner!
Today I had a bunch of friends over for lunch, originally it was going to be 16 people, but it ended up being 12. So lunch for 12, not hard for a girl who is used to cooking for 50 right? How wrong I was! It's amazing how a small kitchen can really constrain you! So I finished work yesterday at 8pm and thought I'd go home and get a start on the next days feast. I chopped, baked, boiled, grilled, mashed and kneaded until about midnight! Then the next day (today) I got up bright and early at 7 only to finally finish cooking at about 1pm when people started to arrive. What a mission!
The good part though was that everyone seemed to really enjoy the food, and that's what makes it all worth doing! The ability to cook is a gift of mine, and it's a shame to see it go to waste. I HATE doing it as a job, it makes me miserable! So I love to be able to pull out all the culinary stops for friends who I know are going to appreciate all my effort. If I had a bigger, better equipt kitchen I'd do it more often.
I always think about my life as a series of past lives, and then my current life. I wonder how many lives I've had then? Lets me see...
life 1: Baby/child.
Life 2: Teenager.
Life 3: Aprentice chef.
Life 4: Assistant manger in a CD store.
Life 5: Naturopathy student.
Life 6: Chef on a pearl farm/ living in Broome1 week out of 2 (money rich time poor)
Life 7: Cd store/ living in Broome full time (time rich, money poor)
Life 8: Backpacker in Europe
Life 9: Unemployed, miserable and trapped. Getting used to Perth life after 4 yrs away
Life 10: 9-5 5 day a week normal 'adult' job/life
Life 11:.coming soon...
Kinda reads like a CV I guess, but all those things have been very different parts of my life. If I think about the version of myself in any of those lives, I was very different then than I am now. Some lives wre crappy, but everything has contributed to making me the person I am now! So I feel like I'm phasing into life 11 about now with more study on the horizon. 11 lives in 27 years, who would have thought!
Your food was very much enjoyed :) I was feeling quite groggy and hungover this afternoon so I'm sorry if I didn't express that to you as earnestly as I should have. I had a delightful time at your place - I always find it relaxing and fun hanging out at your house. Look forward to doing it again another time :)
sounds nice :)
I love cooking too, but not sure about that many people hehe.
So glad you like coming to our house Mini, it's always nice to have you! Your thanks was expressed just fine by the way! :)
Shame you didn't come to Ambar, was unreal music!! Japan4 were great!
Will have to have you at the next one Adam, oh and gave Maggie that book for you.
Lunch was UNREAL!
I do declare you have made me feel ashamed to be a woman. I don't think I'll ever get even close to being able to cook as well as you.
I had a great time, as well. You must do it again soon! Maybe this time you can get a few people to help you. I'm good at stiring stuff? I think Maggie might be able to do that, too. MAYBE ... ; )
The food and people were all awesome and it was a great day for it, I think we were blessed!!
You inspired me to try some new stuff because the food was so amazing, you've already done so with the beans so there's twice :)
Excellent day all round :)
you guys are embaressing me! It wasn't that great! but thanks *blush*
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
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