
On the 24th Sept I'm going to do the Fremantle Fun Run which is 10km. I'm yet to run 10km, so it will be a bit of a challenge pushing myself that far.
So I went for another 7Km run with Ben the other day which only took us 42 minutes, which I was pretty happy with. Then we talked about how I can work my way up to a 10km run. So the plan is to each week have 2x5km runs, 1x3km run, and then my long run I will add 1km to each week. So next week I'll do a 8km run for my long one, then the week after that I'll do an 9km run and then an 11km run. Ben was saying it's important to have run further than the distance on the day, that way your mentally prepared and know you can do it.
If anyone reading this wants to come for a run with me, give me a call, I'm always happy to find new running partners, I get bored on my own.
So the fun run is to raise money for the Royal Flying Doctors, so it's a good cause as well as a way to motivate me! I'll be taking the donation forms around work tomorrow to see how much money I can raise from my co-workers. There are some nice prizes if you raise certain amounts.
I decided that this weekend I was going to run 16km. This is only 4km longer than C2S and then when I realise that I thought well then if I do that a couple of times I could up it to 21km (4x my morn/arvo route) and I'm doing a half marathon :)
You're making wicked progress, I guess at this stage like me it's becoming not so much about weight loss or even fitness but more about feeding the addiction :)
You remember I wasn't all that keen on marathons/halfs but ... things change I guess :)
Basically from my house to South Freo is 25km so that means in 6-8 weeks I can run from my house to Freo ... that'd be good fun.
Fun run will be good fun, maybe if at that stage I'm running longer distances I could try and run it pretty quick or something. I say we hit something suitably wicked-tasty but bad for us like say fish and chips then ice cream or somethign :P
That sounds like a brilliant plan to me!...and LOTS of beer! We must re-hydrate after all! haha..well actually that would do more harm than good, but I'm young and fit, my body can take the abuse!
Don't stress too much about doing the distance before the event. It is important to do that if you want to get a good time, however the excitement of race day is probably enough to keep you going and help you push through barriers.
Just think of the beer :)
I hadn't run 12km when I did C2S and it was actually a pretty easy run (on the day) so I agree with Mark.
Before that when people said do x% of the distance I thought it was a bit iffy, but it was true for me :)
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