Thursday, October 12, 2006

Impossible dream

One of the things I really want is to have my own house. With the current market, I have just come to the realisation that I will NEVER be able to afford one on my own. I've sat down and done my sums, even based on me working full time again and it's official...I'll never afford it!

I like to live and plan my life based on it just being me alone for the rest of my life. After all that's the only thing I can rely on, I'll always be here. I mean who knows prince charming may sweep me off my feet some day, but as time passes I've become more and more jaded about that idea, and so only rely on myself.

When I say my own house, I'm not talking anything flash either, I'm talking a bedsit apartment somewhere dodgy if that's what I can afford. But the sad thing is even that is completely out of my reach. There were about 6 properties under $200000 on today. Even though a bank would give me that much money (if I worked fulltime) I'd have to give up eating to afford the repayments.

Who knows what the future may bring, I could win lotto?


At 12:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd say that the most successful people in the world all considered giving up at some point. In fact if they said they never considered it I'd flat out call them lying motherfuckers.

What makes the difference is if you don't give up and keep your eye on the prize. The prize in this case being a rich man to pay for your house and provide sperm for your children.

In all seriousness... just keep your eyes open, it'll happen for you I'm sure :)

At 12:33 AM , Blogger Adam said...

It's funny how different people are. You'd move out of renting a nice place , to own a dodgy bedsit (as you put it), just so you/the bank could own it.

I'd rather rent somewhere that I'd like to live in, until such time as I can afford to live in that place.

If you want to buy something expensive, a lot of people trade off their quality of life in terms of life outside of the home. But if you look on the flipside, if you buy something that's dingy, so you can still afford other things, you're quality of home life has definitely diminished.

But yeah, buying a house as a single person (without sacrificing quality of life) at this age is a near impossible task, but has always been.

At 12:55 AM , Blogger Milly said...

I just want a home that's mine, that I can do what I want with. I want to be able to do it on my own, and not have to rely on anyone else!
I have a number of single girlfriends who got into the realestate market about 5 years ago on very similar incomes to mine. I just seem to have missed the boat with this big property boom.
I know you're joking Aaron, but that's really not the my idea of 'the prize'. That's the last thing I want is to have to have someone else to acheive my dreams. It's just depressing that that seems to be the case!
And Adam you say rent till you can afford to buy something you like, well I don't think I'll ever afford something I'd see?
I don't know it's all doing my head in

At 7:01 PM , Blogger Adam said...

Well lets see...

For a $200,000 home (5 years ago, as they don't exist now.

Weekly repayments: $303 Interest over 30 years: $273,879

I don't know what you're wage or expenditure is, but $300 is a reasonable chunk of each week. More scary is the interest (more than the loan amount).

But yeah. it might be more of a problem the bank loaning that much out, as opposed to capability to pay it back.

I hope you work it out :)


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