Busy Weekend
What a busy weekend I have had! On Friday night I had a work graduation ceremony for those of us that passed Certificate 3 in financial services. I like a lot of the people at my work, and it's nice to get an opportunity to do something with them in a social setting. The other nice thing was it gave me a really good excuse to buy a new dress and get all glammed up!
So the food was ok, it was one of those chicken or beef type situations, but I think free food and booze is always a good thing. Desert was nice enough, it was mostly icecream which always keep the punters happy.
After the ceremony and the food we had a DJ and did some dancing. The type of music playing made me feel like I was back at a highschool social. The most embarrassing part is that I actually danced to Barry Manilo's Copa cabana! Oh the shame! People talk about doing stupid things when being drunk like cheating on their partner or thinking beastiality is ok for one night...but dancing to that song, well it's just totally unforgivable!

So Saturday I worked, and it was absolute torture! More because I was so tired than having a hang over. After work I got organised and went to Maggie's so we could do the makeup thing together and then make our way to Steve's place for his house warming party . The party was an 80's theme so it was a bit tricky finding something 80's inspired that I already had. When Maggie and I got there we were told that we both looked 'normal'! I had giant hair and mad dark green eye shadow on, so it was a bit of a worry that people think that's normal for me. My hair is still one giant knot of curls and hairspray.
The first few hours consisted of a lot of 80's music which I totally hate, but you put up with these things for friends. Most of the night I spent hanging out with Maggie which is always nice. I always feel very comfortable around her and we often have very frank open discussions which is great. She's just one of those people who's on the same wave length as me.
I got home at about 1am and slept through the next day until noon...what bliss!
So many people that grew up in the 80s don't like 80's music.. I just can't understand that :)
Pay homage to your roots people!
In the 80's I grew up with jazz, soul and 50s/60s rock and roll...probably explains why I'm not into 80's music.
Dione bought an "Enjoy TAB" t-shirt yesterday ... sweet. I did like the Heads Up THumbs Down shirt that Nayan was talking about... but I think I'll just steal that I'm not keen to pay $60 for it :)
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