Not drinking

So as many of you know, after the gianormous Parklife/house party/oktoberfest weekend I had I'm giving my poor liver a bit of a rest. It's only in consciously saying no to all alcohol offered that I have come to realise how much I drink some weeks! I watched Al get very drunk the other night which is something I hadn't done sober before (usually I join him). It was actually quite nice being totally clear headed and very much present, as opposed to the fuzzy drunken haze. The best part though was when he went the 'power spew' in the bathroom 4 times in the night and I felt totally fine!!
I think what I have missed most is having a glass of wine with dinner if I've cooked something nice. But that's ok, I've only got a little while to go then I'll allow myself to drink again, but not to the same excess as before.
I've also been taking Swedish bitters before meals to help my liver and my digestion. Tastes horrible, but I know it's doing me a fair bit of good. As my studies progress I figure I better to start practising what I preach.
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