The weekend
Saturday was work of course. It was THE most boring day ever! However my sales stats looked amazing, so not all bad. Then Sat night I went along to Matt's brothers housewarming. I felt like a bit of a gate crasher as I had never met him before, but it was nice to meet him and his partner Neko, as well as Matt's Mum. Hopefully I will get a chance to properly meet his Dad another time.
Sunday started with breakfast out with Tony's old friends Leo, Sam, Bea, Ryan, Heather and Matt. I was so tired though I was really struggling to make conversation. It's hard enough when everyone is talking about people and events you don't know without feeling like you'll nod off to sleep again any minute. Despite that though it was nice to catch up with them. Tony has seen a lot of them since being with me, so it was good to see them all.
Mid Sunday I cleaned he house a bit. Lots of washing clothes and dishes. I am constantly amazed by how many clothes we have to wash! Which reminds me I have to pick up some dry cleaning. I've only just the other day gotten around to having our stuff from Boobalicious dry cleaned! It all sat in a bag in our spare room for weeks!
Then the highlight of the week was dinner at Mum and Dad's place. They had Ben, Alex, Renee, Jane, Mike, Tony and I over for tea. Mum made gorgeous pies for dinner. She made chicken ones, kangaroo ones and a vegie one. She also made her own pastry for them, so they were super delicious! We drank lots of red wine and talked utter crap as we always do. The sorts of conversations going between Dad, Alex and myself would make a whore blush!

Then to finish off the night Dad opened up a cellared bottle of 1972 port! It was soooo good. He was saying Tawny port keeps fine after you open it, but cellared port, once opened needs to be drunk or it goes off. So Alex and I being the helpful people we are obliged and got stuck into it!
Now my head hurts

I'll bring you the other Spill Canvas cd tonight.. at 8, don't be late! Unless of course, you aren't coming.. in which case I'll give it to Tony :)
Red shoes!
Yeah Renee took that pic! hehe....totally wasn't planned.
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