Adventures Of Milly The Elephant Trainer
Random musings on a happy life
Friday, October 27, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Weird realisation
Today I realised that I'm into blokes with beards! How weird is that? The most bizarre thing is that a beard is NEVER nice to kiss...but a hot guy with a beard...oohh errr!!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Photographic frolic
So I think I'm going to test out what it takes to get comments on my ringo photos. I'll change one of my pics tags and see just what happens. I'm open to suggestions of what kinds of words I should use as tags. Don't worry Maggie, it will be one of me, not you this time ! :)
I think I had the one of Maggie tagged with sexy and fishnets, so we shall see.
Monday, October 23, 2006
New job
I've just come back from my new 'additional' job as a babysitter! I'm looking after an 18 month old girl called Saskia. Her Mum and Dad own flipside the gourmet burger place next to Mojos. I spent a glorious morning just pushing her around North Fremantle in her stroller. Stopping at various parks to play, and stopping at look out points on the river to goo and gaa at the boats.
She's one of these really easy to look after kids who is always happy, doesn't get freaked out by stuff and loves new people. So next week we will don out togs and head out for a walk to Leighton beach where we will meet lots of dogs and splash about! What fun!! I'll be doing this every Tuesday morning now...yay!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
It's the little things

Tonight I craw into a freshly made bed with clean sheets that still smell of washing powder and sunshine. Before that I spent a quiet contemplative half hour tidying my space and putting everything in it's place.
Strange how such small things can create calm and contentment, almost as if by creating order in my small world, the rest of the planet will be peaceful too.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
I think my age is reversing!
You Are 16 Years Old |
![]() Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |

So today was a fairly productive day. Made my first calls in regards to getting hold of a French Bulldog puppy. So yeah, I'm getting a dog! I thought I'd have to talk the boys into the idea, but no they were both fine with it straight up! I knew Ben would be, but I though Al would be a challenge. So basically by telling Al that the dog would be mine and that I'd pick up all the poo etc, he was fine with the idea...amazing!!
The lady who was a breeder was fairly curt. I asume she gets a lot of enquiries about these dogs and likes to be selctive about who she sells them too. She talked about her distaste of puppy farms, which I must say I agree with. She then told me I'll basically have to become 'friendly' with a breeder in order to get hold of a puppy. There is apparently going to be a day at MacCallum Park on 29th Oct where I can go and see the dogs and meet the breeders etc. So great! Except that this is the day of our lunch!! Shit!! I think I'll just have to be super organised and try to do both.
On other 'productive day' notes, I managed to lodge my tax return, get a rebate from Medicare and get a new babysitting gig with the owners of Flipside (the burger joint next to Mojos). I'm going to go and meet her and baby tomorrow arvo, so that should be good. Babysitting is always great for a bit of extra cash in hand money! After all if I want a French Bulldog I'll have to save up my dollars, they aren't cheap!!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
World is on fire
What a brilliant idea! Sarah Mclachlan really is one of those rare celebrities that do their bit for the rest of the world! Oh and I really like this song.
Not drinking

So as many of you know, after the gianormous Parklife/house party/oktoberfest weekend I had I'm giving my poor liver a bit of a rest. It's only in consciously saying no to all alcohol offered that I have come to realise how much I drink some weeks! I watched Al get very drunk the other night which is something I hadn't done sober before (usually I join him). It was actually quite nice being totally clear headed and very much present, as opposed to the fuzzy drunken haze. The best part though was when he went the 'power spew' in the bathroom 4 times in the night and I felt totally fine!!
I think what I have missed most is having a glass of wine with dinner if I've cooked something nice. But that's ok, I've only got a little while to go then I'll allow myself to drink again, but not to the same excess as before.
I've also been taking Swedish bitters before meals to help my liver and my digestion. Tastes horrible, but I know it's doing me a fair bit of good. As my studies progress I figure I better to start practising what I preach.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Impossible dream
One of the things I really want is to have my own house. With the current market, I have just come to the realisation that I will NEVER be able to afford one on my own. I've sat down and done my sums, even based on me working full time again and it's official...I'll never afford it!
I like to live and plan my life based on it just being me alone for the rest of my life. After all that's the only thing I can rely on, I'll always be here. I mean who knows prince charming may sweep me off my feet some day, but as time passes I've become more and more jaded about that idea, and so only rely on myself.
When I say my own house, I'm not talking anything flash either, I'm talking a bedsit apartment somewhere dodgy if that's what I can afford. But the sad thing is even that is completely out of my reach. There were about 6 properties under $200000 on today. Even though a bank would give me that much money (if I worked fulltime) I'd have to give up eating to afford the repayments.
Who knows what the future may bring, I could win lotto?
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Who knew...
...that my Mum was one of the cool kids? I went running with her tonight and was expecting her to maybe last for 15minutes running, but she blew me away by runing 5-6Km!! Wicked! One more person to be able to run with. Go Mum, your amazing!!!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Black Books Clip
I just love this show! Although I've been procrastinating doing my tax, I don't think I'm quite that desperate to avoid getting them done.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
I'm freakin' hilarious
So we were talking about people we know and hallucinations they have had whilst on acid. One being a guy who thought he was a flower and insisted on being watered constantly. Another guy thought he was a turtle who was stuck on his back, and kept asking people to roll him over. The last one we came up with was some famous rock dude who got put into a nut house because he though he was an orange and was scared someone would peel him.
Ben seemed to think that sounded like some kind of primary school joke, or some sort of bad pun. Al then said 'Why did the orange go to hospital', with which I replied 'because he wasn't peeling very well'. Al is drunk, he thinks I'm hilarious and this is the funniest thing he has ever heard. He insisted I post this blog...Ok, there done.
The running mistress

I'm evil, yes it's true! Not only did I not let Emma stop running as soon as she got a stitch, I have now also lied! I told Adam we were running 5km but in actual fact we ran 7.5km! Mwahahahahahaha!!!
I think my next technique to help people improve their fitness may involve whipping them with a large black dildo (ask Matt), I'm sure it has multiple uses, not just work environment applications!?!
The heels might pinch a bit to run in though.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Only the cool kids run
I went for a run in Kings Park with Mark and Emma today after work. I was fully expecting Em to stop running after about 5 minutes, but she blew me away by being able to run for 25 minutes! We must have run atleast 3 or 4 km...what a champ!!
Monday, October 02, 2006
Well what an ending to a gianormous weekend!! Ben and I rocked up to McMaster central around 2.30pm to meet and great the lovely Maggie, Matt, Emma, Mark and of course Aaron. As per usual the girls seemed to instincitvly wear the same thing...little shorts this time!!
We had a few drinks a bit of a chat and a laugh, and made our final preperations to head out for a night of good times and partying.
So we arrived at the Deen only to find that there was a gianormous line that went around 2 corners, and of course I needed to go to the loo! Oh the torture!! But Maggie was ever so helpful by reminding me of the impending burtsting of my little bladder at regular 5 minute intervals! Thanks love!!
So we finally got in and made our way into the Deen to watch Breakaholics (Fdel and Micha), after a while it was totally packed in there to the point of it being scary. I had to use the loo again and on my way out of the Deen to the loos at the enterance I was sandwiched between 2 guys and lifted off my feet, people were just pushing so much that I was being moved along and my feet weren't even touching the ground. When I finally got back to where the crew was it was even more insane, so Maggie, Aaron and I forced our way out into the street where we stayed for the rest of the evening. Even though we missed seeing most of the acts we really wanted to see, the main thing was that the company was so good it didn't matter.
Michael finally arrived at about 7.30 which was wicked. Seeing both he and I had already had such gianormous weekends I was half expecting him to not turn up, but he did so Yay!! As expected everyone got on really well with him, and we all had some great chats and laughs together.
Found Keziah and the kids later in the evening and had a bit of a dance and chat with her. She invited us along to the after party at her friend Mark's place in Subi. So we all went back there and hung out in the really nice chilled out atmosphere for what must have been about 5 hours just chatting and hanging out.
After that we went on to Matt and Maggie's again for more friendly banter and lots of just hanging out. I also had the most blissful shower, and stole Matts Canada trackies, which I'm still wearing comfy!
So all in all a wicked night had by all. I'm really looking forward to seeing the pics taken. From memory there were some really good shots, but who knows!!
It was laughter and tears all in one night for the .IAG Oktoberfest social function. Sometimes I think work collegues just shouldn't get that drunk together. However as none of the tears were mine I had fun.